How Often You Poop Could Be A Sign Of Your Brain Health, Cognitive Function

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A seemingly strange connection is making headlines: could the frequency of your bathroom habits impact your brain’s health? Recent studies reported by USA Today, Mirror, and NBC News delve into the unusual link between digestive health and cognitive function.

Why You Should Care:

  • Brain and Gut Connection: The intricate link between your gut health and brain could affect your overall well-being.
  • Bowel Habits: Your regularity might be more than just digestive health—it could be a window into the state of your cognitive function.
  • Food Choices Matter: What you eat doesn’t only influence your physical health; it could be essential for your brain health too.

The Overview:

  • Mind-Gut Link: New research is revealing an important gut-brain axis that impacts mental health and cognition.
  • Constipation Concerns: Constipation is now associated with potential cognitive decline.
  • Microbial Matters: The tiny microbes in your gut could hold significant sway over your cognitive abilities.

The Details:

On the Surface: Constipation and Cognition

A study reported by USA Today suggests an unsettling correlation between persistent constipation and cognitive decline1. While the cause behind this connection is still under study, the gut-brain axis—our biological highway linking gut and brain—might play a vital role.

Deep Dive: The Role of Gut Microbes

Our gut isn’t just about digestion; it’s a bustling hub of microbial activity. As NBC News highlights, gut bacteria don’t just assist in breaking down food—they synthesize vitamins, stimulate the immune system, and have a hand in nervous system activity2. Some even produce neurotransmitters, like serotonin, which can communicate with our brain and potentially influence mood, memory, and cognition2.

Before you jump into this article… Just a heads up, the opinions expressed on this site are solely those of yours truly and should not be taken as medical advice. I’m just a regular person sharing my experiences and insights, so don’t sue me, okay? And hey, if you decide to buy something I mention through one of my affiliate links, I’ll make a few pennies to keep the lights on. But seriously, always consult with a doctor before starting any new health regimen. Stay healthy, stay happy!

The Holistic Approach: Diet’s Impact on Gut Health

Diet is a significant player in shaping gut microbiota. According to a study cited by the Mirror, eating a diverse range of plant-based foods can foster a healthier gut environment3. Probiotics found in foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and other fermented products can also boost your gut health.

The Way I See It…

The Power of Food

A holistic health approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of our bodily systems. It encourages us to view food as more than just fuel for physical sustenance. It’s about nourishment for our body, our gut microbiota, and possibly our brain.

Our dietary choices profoundly affect our gut health, and emerging research suggests that they might also impact our cognitive function. It’s high time we recognized this relationship and made informed food choices—not just to maintain our physical health, but to promote brain health and cognitive longevity.

Nurturing the Gut-Brain Connection

Incorporating a wider variety of plant-based foods in our diets can help diversify our gut microbiota. This could potentially fortify our gut-brain axis, enhancing the biochemical communication between these two critical systems of our body.

Consider adding more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes to your plate. Not only are these foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals, but they also provide dietary fiber—the preferred food for our beneficial gut bacteria.

Baby Steps to Big Changes

Changing dietary habits can seem daunting, but remember, it doesn’t have to happen overnight. Start small. You could begin by adding an extra serving of vegetables to your meals, replacing a sugary drink with water, or including a probiotic-rich food in your diet.

These small steps could lead to significant changes over time. It’s about nurturing a sustainable, health-focused lifestyle that respects and leverages the intimate interplay between our gut and brain.


While we’re still unraveling the mysteries of the gut-brain axis, one thing is becoming clear: our digestive health could have a surprising impact on our cognitive function. By prioritizing holistic health methods and a nutrient-rich diet, we might be nurturing our brains as much as our bodies. Remember, “you are what you eat”—and your brain could be dining on the choices you make.

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  1. USA Today
  2. NBC News 2
  3. Mirror 2